Chip Hogs

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How it Works - It's simple enough. You play poker, win as much as possible, and climb to the top of our leader board. When the contest ends, we pay the top finishers according to the prize pool posted. You never make a deposit, so there is nothing to risk. We'll pay you through your PayPal account, so make sure you open one for free.


We welcome players from around the world so long as they are at least 18 years of age. We do not want minors playing on this site. Even though there is no gambling taking place, some sweepstakes laws could restrict under aged participation in our games. We attempt to prevent minors from playing by requiring a PayPal account be used for payment, and the only way to get money from your PayPal is through an attached bank account.

Our revenue is generated from the advertisers who pay to be here. We use that cash to generate the prize pools. The more players we have, the more advertisers we can get. That means bigger prizes for everyone, so be sure to tell your friends and share on Facebook and Twitter.


GamTrak will be sponsoring Weekly Poker Tournaments at ChipHogs! Sign up to play today.

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